
皇冠8868会员登录学生俱乐部 & Organizations

8 am to 5 pm.

Email: campuslife@cars160.com; Phone: 509-682-6860.


Wenatchee Valley College has a diverse assortment of student clubs, both on the Omak 和皇冠8868会员登录校区. 俱乐部和组织提供了很好的机会 social and civic involvement, networking, stress relief, skill building, and so much more.

For more information about joining or starting a club continue reading below, browse our club brochure (只适用于文雅芝俱乐部),或联络我们:

  • 皇冠8868会员登录校园:请联系罗伯托·维拉(509)682-6867或rvilla@cars160.com
  • 奥马克校区:(509)422-7810




  1. 浏览一下我们校园里的俱乐部名单 
  • 向下滚动到标题: 皇冠8868会员登录校园俱乐部 - by clicking on the club name, you are able to open their club flier to learn a 再多说一点,看看他们什么时候见面
  • Some clubs have a notation behind their club name, "(目前暂停播)", you can 询问这些俱乐部,但此时他们并不活跃. 此外, 附在他们名字上的俱乐部传单是上一年的. 然而,我们想要 be able to show you the variety of clubs that have established recognition on the 皇冠8868会员登录校区,以及他们的重点是什么. 
  1. Show up to a club meeting, or reach out to the club advisor to let them know you are interested
  2. 参加社团活动!


  1. Find an advisor (a staff or faculty member employed in a professional position with WVC)
  2. 找到至少3个想加入你的社团的在册学生
  3. Read over the Club Handbook to familiarize yourself with the responsibilities, guidelines, and policies of the 俱乐部业务学院
  4. Fill out the 俱乐部认证 and create a 俱乐部宪法 (贵社如何运作的指引)



  1. 您的请求将由皇冠8868会员登录工作人员审核
  2. Your request is reviewed by the ASWVC Senate - you will be notified of the date of 这篇评论和你都欢迎到参议院来 关于您的请求.
  3. 当您的扶轮社获得批准时,您将会收到通知
  4. Complete the Club Training - all officers and the club advisor, must do a mandatory 扶轮社训练在任何活动可以计划或获得资金之前



  1. 制作你的俱乐部传单,让大家知道你是谁,你什么时候见面
  2. Mark your calendar for Interclub委员会 meetings - these are monthly mandatory meetings -欲了解更多信息,请参阅下面的俱乐部理事会或参阅 Club Handbook
  3. 开始玩得开心!
  • 利用大学设施
  • 预定活动日期就在上 大学校历
  • 组织校内和校外的活动
  • 被收录在学生刊物中
In order to become an officially recognized club, and eligible to receive funding 并举办活动,完成标题为“Start a Club".
Each year, clubs that wish to remain officially recognized as a student organization 需要填写吗 俱乐部换发新证 form. 此表格允许俱乐部更新官员信息,并通知校园 他们的生活办公室继续活动.

If a club makes any changes, either to the club name and/or club operations, then the 俱乐部宪法 是否需要重新提交和批准. (如果没有变化,那么现有 宪法仍然有效.)

Interclub委员会 is composed of the ASWVC Vice President, who serves as the Chair, the ASWVC Treasurer who serves as the Co-Chair, at least one representative from each 皇冠8868会员登录校园的俱乐部,以及学生领导 & 参与协调, 谁担任所有扶轮社的顾问. 委员会每月开会讨论想法,计划, 伙伴关系、活动和资金.

In rare situations, all members of a given club may be in classes or be required to partake in other obligations that prevent participation at Interclub委员会 meetings. 如果出现这种情况, 请假申请 可以授予.

The 请假申请 must be submitted to Campus Life on or before the time 俱乐部间理事会开会的日子.

请愿书必须得到学生领导的批准 & 参与协调员和/或皇冠8868会员登录、公平、 & Inclusion.


俱乐部被鼓励去看看 俱乐部资源 page for tips


To find our more information about when and where the clubs meet, click on the club name!

Ag & 自然资源 

Provides opportunities to experience agriculture and natural resource practices and operations. 

AdviserMichael Lesky, mlesky@cars160.com; Francisco Sarmiento-Torres, fsarmiento-torres@cars160.com

俱乐部主席: Apolinar布兰科

AutoTech Club (目前暂停播)

Focuses on expanding the knowledge of automotive technology by working collectively 与同伴和社区成员. 此外,汽车技术俱乐部寻求扩大 社区外展.

Co-Advisers: Bob Greiner, rgreiner@cars160.com; Tom Doherty, tdoherty@cars160.com

巴拉多雷斯·奥古洛·德·姆萨西科 (目前暂停播)


Adviser: Vacant

自然资源俱乐部 (目前暂停播)

Provides a platform for environmental stewardship, to work alongside government agencies and non-profit organizations to explore career prospects, and to create a common space for sharing ideas, experiences, and information to further encourage a positive and 积极改变我们共同的自然环境.

Adviser: Vacant

Cyber Knights 


Adviser: David Burns, dburns@cars160.com

俱乐部主席: Mikallie琼斯


Our goal is to discover where we come from, why we are here and what our future holds. 

Adviser: Rob Fitch, rfitch@cars160.com 

Esports Club

To provide a community on campus where students can connect with others and share 他们对游戏的兴趣. 我们还将积极地激发竞争精神 & 包容的环境. 

Adviser: 伊斯顿Hetterle, ehetterle@cars160.com

俱乐部主席的查理·利特尔 & 凯特琳Nungaray


To provide & assist students in the analyzation of economics globally as well as interpretation 在进行讨论时.

Adviser瓦利德·穆罕默德, wmuhammad@cars160.com

俱乐部主席: Daniel Arinez

墨西哥流浪乐队Alma del Valle (目前暂停播)

To learn and perform traditional Mexican Folk music, and bring a cultural experience 皇冠8868会员登录谷学院

Adviser: Vacant


Enhances, assists, and supports the academic and clinical success of each student 目前正在参加医疗助理项目. 目标是鼓励参与 在地方、州和国家会议上. 重点是帮助建立信心 在学生的技能发展.

Co-Advisers: Jan Kaiser, jkaiser@cars160.com; Marilyn Brincat, mbrincat@cars160.com

俱乐部主席: Micah Lee


Is a student organization that promotes education, self-identity, and historical/cultural knowledge which benefits and empowers the Latinx community, thus creating social change 通过自主的政治行动.

Adviser詹妮弗·佩雷斯, jperez@cars160.com

俱乐部主席: 朱莉安娜阿尔瓦拉多


Combining past projects into one extraordinary project utilizing modern electronics.

Adviser扎克·雅各布森, zjacobson@cars160.com

俱乐部主席: Luis Alvarez


在社区大学有一个全国心理学荣誉协会吗. The purpose of this club shall be psychology lectures, service, undergraduate research, and mentorship.

Advisers: J'Lene George, jgeorge@cars160.com; Ayla Medina Ulloa, amedinaaulla@cars160.com 

Phi Theta Kappa荣誉协会 

国家的宗旨 Phi Theta Kappa荣誉协会: Eta Rho chapter, is to recognize and encourage scholarship among college students. To achieve this purpose, the chapter provides opportunity for the development of leadership and service, for an intellectual climate for exchange of ideas and ideals, for lively fellowship for scholars, and for stimulation of interest in continuing academic excellence.

Adviser:  Dr. Dan Stephens, dstephens@cars160.com; 芭芭拉·奥尔德姆 boldham@cars160.com 


Creates an 包容的环境 for LGBTQ+ individuals and their allies by promoting a positive space that helps the LGBTQ community and the college through community 建立、理解和支持.

Adviser哈特·约翰逊, sjohnson@cars160.com

Club President:莫莉·索尔特


Promotes professional and community activities with HVAC/Refrigeration Industries 地方性的,区域性的,全国性的,国际性的. 成员参与社区活动 events, business meetings, leadership conferences, seminars, conventions, and field trips. 此外,会员还参加维修空调的社区服务 and refrigerators for seniors and low-income families, and perform free home HVAC/Energy 根据需要对学院员工和学生进行检查. 

Adviser:格雷格·乔丹, gjourdan@cars160.com

俱乐部主席: Jayma Schell


Encourages involvement of students with the deaf community, bridging the gap between 聋人及听者社区.

Adviser芭芭拉·奥尔德姆, boldham@cars160.com  

俱乐部主席: Molly Salter


Promotes and provides educational opportunities; provides opportunities for students to participate in community volunteerism; provides opportunities for interaction between students and the community at large; and provides leadership opportunities.

Co-Advisers:珍妮·弗里斯, jfreese@cars160.com; Imelda Barragan, ibarragan@cars160.com 

俱乐部主席的凯瑟琳·卡斯滕斯 & Jeffrey Kunkel  

STEM Club 

Provides opportunities for students to explore the STEM fields and engage with like-minded 社区中的学生、教师和导师.

AdvisorBranwen Schaub, bschaub@cars160.com; Rosana Linarez. rlinarez@cars160.com 

俱乐部主席: 阿列克谢格拉纳多斯

经验丰富的骑士 (目前暂停播)

Supports veteran students with tools for transitioning from military to college through 其他目前在皇冠8868会员登录校区注册的退伍军人的帮助下. Additionally, 经验丰富的骑士 help new veteran students with their studies by means of tutoring and mentoring; as well as facilitating a network of student veterans.

Co-Advisers德里克·谢菲尔德, dsheffield@cars160.com; Bob Greiner, rgreiner@cars160.com


Encourage education and participation in the Hydro Industry in our surrounding community. Give students opportunities to learn skills of their degree and network with employers 包括水电社区在内的企业. 成为可再生能源未来的一部分 以及塑造一个无碳的未来. 

Advisers: 守门员Linarez, rlinarez@cars160.com卡伦·阿尔曼, kalman@cars160.com 

俱乐部主席: 莉地方